DTF Station


Unleash your creativity and craft a brand identity that truly reflects your vision with our powerful logo and design direct to film builder! Our user-friendly interface empowers you to design a DTF logo that speaks volumes about your unique story. No design experience? No problem! Our builder is designed for everyone, from seasoned entrepreneurs to aspiring startups.

To start, check the How To video, click the button on the dimensions you need below and start creating. When you're done, click the Buy Now button to upload your creation!


VIP service renders your order to you within 1-2 business days.

  • If you do not order VIP service, your order will be processed in the order in which it was received within 3-5 business days.
  • Full Color Transfers take 3-5 business days to ship or be available to pick up locally.
  • Do not call and ask if we are printing… PLACE YOUR ORDER FOR THE SERVICE THAT YOU REQUIRE.
  • Your artwork must be print ready, we WILL NOT size it, we CANNOT change the color. It will print exactly how you send it.
  • If by chance you cannot upload or build your own gang sheet, there will be $25 minimum service charge for up to 2 gang sheets. Additional fees may apply.
  • T-shirt sizes and/or exact measurements will be required for this service.
  • You will receive this item as a roll, not individually cut. You will have to cut your images on your own.
  • Images should be high quality when uploaded. It will let you know if the DPI is changing. If you increase an image, it will reduce the DPI. Small images lose quality when enlarged. Having a large high-quality image is the best way to print.
  • You are fully responsible for your images, NO REFUNDS on this product.
  • We CANNOT print any colors that are bright neon or florescent orange/green/pink/yellow etc. 
  • Please verify that your order is correct before checking out.
  • Thank you for your purchases and HAPPY CRAFTING!!
  • Business days are considered Monday-Friday, excluding federal holidays.
  • Ready to Press Transfers are the latest innovation in T-shirt making. Unlike traditional heat transfer vinyl which requires cutting and weeding, this heat transfer material allows you to order a design ready to press onto both Light and Dark garments including cotton, polyester, rayon, nylon, silk, leather, and more.
  • Pressing Instructions: These transfers require a heat press temperature of 300°F, pressing for 15 seconds with medium to firm pressure, HOT PEEL, cover using teflon sheet, press for an additional 10 seconds at 300°F.
  • Washing Instructions: Turn garment inside out, wash on cold and tumble dry low or hang dry.